I was approached by two Mummies who have just welcomed their bouncing baby boy into the world and have made their other little boy a very proud big brother.
Both Mummies work at Salisbury Hospital and over the years have admired my artwork hanging in the labour corridor and maternity departments.
Therefore, I was very touched to be invited to photograph their son and what makes this shoot a little different is that their newborn son has Downs Syndrome.
I know both Mummies will be happy for me to share this because they are very keen to promote diversity and inclusion – which I wholeheartedly support.
We don’t see enough representation of babies born differently and I would love to change this, so I am delighted that an image of this handsome little lad will be displayed in Salisbury Hospital. I also can’t wait to showcase his photoshoot, along with his big brother, on my website.
The reason why we don’t see enough images showing diversity, is because not enough parents - for whatever reason - approach photographers and ask if we will photograph their babies.
If you are reading this, and if you know of any parents or parents-to-be that this post might interest, please put them in touch.
Little by little, let’s show the world that all babies are beautiful.